Sunday, November 30, 2008

free SMS sending worldwide

free SMS sending worldwide
With mjoy you can send unlimited free text messages (SMS) to any mobile phone in the world.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008


At PrePaidGSM you find lots of useful information about pre paid GSM SIM cards, including where you can get GSM SIM cards with free incoming calls in multiple countries.

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Friday, November 28, 2008

bicycle camera mount

bicycle camera mount
Great idea: the Bicycam. When Jens Almström opened his bike's bell and examined it, he realized that the screw that held the upper half in place had the same dimensions as the tripod's screw for his camera. Now his bicycle bell doubles as a simple camera mount.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

WePC, your dream PC

WePC, your dream PC
ASUS and Intel have created, a place where users can come together to share ideas, images and inspiration about their ideal PC. The designs, feature ideas and community feedback will be evaluated by ASUS and could influence the blueprint for an actual notebook PC built by ASUS with Intel inside.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

newLISP users manual and reference

newLISP users manual and reference
If you are interested in newLISP, take a look at the newLISP users manual and reference.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SQLite tutorial

SQLite tutorial
A tutorial on SQLite. Free.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

DisplayLink Mac drivers

DisplayLink Mac drivers
Finally: The DisplayLink USB Graphics Macintosh Driver 1.0 is the first production driver for DisplayLink USB devices for Mac OS X. Free download. Supports up to 4 USB based monitors on Intel based Macs.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Griffin Clarifi

Griffin Clarifi
The Griffin Clarifi is a protective case with built-in close-up lens for the iPhone 3G for less than 35$.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Griffin AirCurve

Griffin AirCurve
The Griffin AirCurve acoustically amplifies your iPhone by about 10 decibels for less than 20$.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Luxury, please in Vienna

Luxury, please in Vienna
From 11/21 to 11/23 the annual Luxury, please, the luxury exhibition, takes place at the Hofburg in Vienna, Austria.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vienna boat show

Vienna boat show
From 11/20 to 11/23 the Vienna boat show takes place at the Messegelände in Vienna, Austria.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Buch Wien 08

Buch Wien 08
From 11/20 to 11/23 the Buch Wien, the international book fair and reading festival, takes place at the Messegelände in Vienna, Austria.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ExpressCard/34 SATA2 card for MacOSX

ExpressCard/34 SATA2 card for MacOSX
Newegg sells the PPA 1172 SATAII ExpressCard 2 x SATA II an ExpressCard/34 2 port SATA2 card that runs without additional drivers on MacBook Pros with MacOSX for less than 28$. Should be bootable, too.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Vienna art week

Vienna art week
From 11/17 to 11/23 the Vienna art week takes place in Vienna, Austria.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Google Gears

Google Gears
Google Gears allows web based apps to function when you are offline. Gears is available for Windows, Windows Mobile, Mac (Firefox, Safari), Linux and Android, but not yet for the Apple iPhone :-(

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Virtual CD burner

Virtual CD burner
With Virtual CD burner you can convert DRM polluted iTunes audio files into standard audio files by "burning" a virtual CD and reripping it afterwards. No wasted CDs!

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Dog to unicorn transformation kit

Dog to unicorn transformation kit
Absolutely hilarious: dog to unicorn transformation kit. 125$ for small dogs, 175$ for large dogs.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Anklage wegen Mordes gegen George W. Bush

Anklage wegen Mordes gegen Geoge W. Bush
The German language book Anklage wegen Mordes gegen Geoge W. Bush from Vincent Bugliosi shows how George W. Bush is responsible for the death of more than 4000 american soldiers and more than 100 000 people from Iraq. When an American president got into trouble for having an affair, what should happen to a president, who is responsible for the deaths of so many people?

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kind ohne Zeit - Hansi Lang

Kind ohne Zeit - Hansi Lang
The German language book Kind ohne Zeit - Hansi Lang by Fabian Burstein is the life story of the Viennese musician and cult star Hansi Lang, who died on 8/24.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


From 11/11 to 11/14 the annual DEEPSEC, the indepth security conference, takes place at the Penta Hotel, Ungargasse 60 in Vienna, Austria.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

MP3 car radio for 70 Euros

MP3 car radio for 70 Euros
On 11/10 the Austrian discounter Lidl sells a MP3 car radio for 70 Euros. Includes CD player, SD slot, audioIn, USB port.

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

starter cable for cigarette lighter ports

starter cable for cigarette lighter ports
Starting on 11/10 the Austrian discounter Lidl sells a starter cable, where you only connect the cigarette lighter ports of the two cars via the supplied 5.4m long cable. Cost is 7 Euros.

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Extrem sports fair in Vienna

Extrem sports fair in Vienna
From 11/7 to 11/9 the Extrem Sport Messe takes place at hall D at the Messegelände in Vienna, Austria. Slack lining workshops!

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Friday, November 07, 2008


From 11/7 to 11/9 the annual Klangbilder, the innovative event-presentation of music and film on high-end-equipment, takes place at the Hilton Danube hotel in Vienna, Austria.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008


From 11/7 to 11/9 the annual Viennatime, Austria´s biggest and most important watch exhibition, takes place at the museum quarter in Vienna, Austria. Free entrance!
Update: the opening cocktail happens on 11/6 at 7.30 pm at q21 at the the museum quarter.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Deep Search Vienna

Deep Search Vienna
On 11/8 the Deep Search conference takes place at the Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen in Vienna, Austria.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

MacSpeech Dictate

MacSpeech Dictate
Just received a copy of MacSpeech Dictate for testing purposes. Now includes the famous Dragon speech recognition engine. Runs on any Intel based Mac (hopefully it will be usable on an Atom CPU, too) on MacOSX 10.4 and 10.5. Cost is less than 200$ including a noise cancelling headset. Will test ASAP, but from what I have heard from people using Dragon Dictate on Windows, this will finally enable me to quit using a keyboard for typing text. I hope Dictate soon supports international languages. More on this later. Update: works as promised. Really usable to dictate long texts.

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Gartner symposium in Cannes

Gartner symposium in Cannes
From 11/3 to 11/7 the annual Gartner symposium takes place at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France.

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Let´s make money

Let´s make money
The movie Let´s make money from Erwin Wagenhofers had 15000 visitors in the first three days in Austria alone. This makes it the current number three at the Austrian box office. Highly recommended movie!

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Hofburg Messe für Kunst und Antiquitäten

Hofburg Messe für Kunst und Antiquitäten
From 11/1 to 11/9 the annual Hofburg Messe für Kunst und Antiquitäten takes place at the Hofburg in Vienna, Austria.
Update: no dogs allowed in the Hofburg :-(

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