Compact Calendar 2011
Might be very convenient: Compact Calendar 2011.
A weblog for dropouts, ex-patriats and dreamers.
No need to load my complete blog everytime you visit here. Just take a look at and get your personalized RSS reader from any browser or mobile device.
Quote from Lore Sjöberg: Creating your own blog is about as easy as creating your own urine, and you're about as likely to find someone else interested in it ;-)
Another one from Lifehacker: DIY binder clip as cellphone tripod mount.
Must read from Lifehacker: Sharing your data across multi-booting Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs.
Labels: connectivity, Linux, Mac, Windows
From Lifehacker: How to triple boot your Hackintosh with Windows and Linux.
Labels: connectivity, Linux, Mac, Windows
AirPrint Activator is a small application that will enable a Mac OSX 10.6.5 + iTunes 10.1 hidden feature to allow your shared printer to be visible on your iOS 4.2.1 devices. AirPrint allow you to print from new generation of Apple iPhones, iPad and iPod Touch to a printer shared over your personal WiFi network.
At 2600 magazine, the hacker quarterly digital edition for Kindle.
Labels: book
With ChronoAgent for MacOSX running on your destination MAc, you can auto-backup a Mac, when it joins the network, synchronize two Macs faster. gain complete access to your destination Mac and control file ownership and permissions. Cost is 10$.
With ChronoSync on your Mac, you can synchronize file, backup files, create bootable backups and schedule syncs, all for 40$. With the archive funnction you can save old versions of your files in case you need to go back in time. Instead of just deleting files, ChronoSync saves deleted and modified files by storing them in an archive folder.
From The ultimate Dropbox toolkit and guide.
Labels: connectivity, iPad, iPhone, Mac, software
From : the 100 best films of world cinema.
Labels: movie
Great article from Gizmodo.coM: Japan Took the Humble Poncho and Turned it Into a Wearable Tent.
Labels: travel
With Wormhole Remote you can take your open windows on your Mac with MacOSX10.6 and view and edit them from your iPhone and iPad. Right now only local connections!
Labels: connectivity, iPad, iPhone, Mac, software
Amazing article from liquidpubs: Apple, their tablet computer history.
The Griffin PowerJolt Dual Micro is an auto charger with two 500mA USB ports for less than 20$. Includes one 30pin dock cable for iPhone.
From 12/6 to 12/9 the annual International luxury travel market takes place in Cannes, France.
Just found this amazing article about turning an Apple cinema display into a portrait oriented monitor.
With the Windows Phone 7 connector for Mac you can connect a Windows phone 7 with a MacOSX device. Enables you to sync music, photos, videos and podcasts from your existing iTunes and iPhoto libraries to your Windows Phone 7.
The Nook color by Barnes&Noble is an Android based 7inch ebook reader with WLAN capabilities for less than 250$.
The annual Roboexotica, the cocktail robotic festival, takes place in Vienna, Austria.
The German language book Nur keine Sentimentalitäten! by Ernst Horst, one of the founders of D.O.N.A.L.D., shows you, how Dr. Erika Fuchs, the famous German translator of so many Carl Barks cartoons, turned Duckburg into Entenhausen. 384 pages with 251 pictures by Carl Barks for less than 24 Euros. A must read for every Donald Duck fan. And who isn´t?