Jazz festival Vienna
From 5/30 to 7/9 the annual Jazz festival Vienna takes place in Vienna, Austria.
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From 5/30 to 7/9 the annual Jazz festival Vienna takes place in Vienna, Austria.
From Cult of Mac: How to get MobileMe for free using Google and Dropbox.
Labels: cloud, connectivity, DIY
From taranfx.com: How to install Snow Leopard on VirtualBox.
Great tutorial from Gizmodo: How to make a DIY microSIM to SIMadapter.
From johnbenson.net: How to convert a SIM to a microSIM with a meat cleaver.
Making any Mac into a calendar and contacts server. Basically a tutorial to set up the Darwin calendar and contacts server on MacOSX client machines.
From 5/22 to 6/6 the Louis Vuitton Trophy - La Maddalena takes place in Sardinia, Italy.
Labels: connectivity, event, Italy
On 5/22 the 5th annual Loews Coronado bay resort surf dog competition takes place in San Diego, California, USA.
The SIMcard cutter for microSIMs turn a normal miniSIM card into a microSIM card compatible with the Apple iPad 3G, all for less than 60 Euros.
Just found this at CoolTools: the universal network cable, the only patch cable you will ever need, for 30$.
Labels: connectivity, hardware
Instapaper is a simple tool to save web pages for reading later. The free iPhone app version works great for up to 10 offline articles, while the 5$ iPhone Pro version supports the bigger screen of the iPad, up to 250 oofline articles and the possibility to use email to share articles for offline reading.
If you happen to be near Poysdorf in the north eastern part of the Weinviertel in Austria, then take a look at the Oldtimer museum Poysdorf. One of the highlights is a Puch 500 cabriolet with shortened wheelbase and collapsible front screen so small, that it fits into the trunk of a motorhome!
From RedmondPie: ave SHSH blobs (ECID SHSH) of iPhone 3.1.3 and iPad 3.2.
The website VoIP support in Nokia devices lists the Nokia S60 and S40 devices which support a Nokia VoIP implementation.
From 5/6 to 5/9 the annual ViennaFair, the international contemporary art fair focused on CEE takes place in Vienna, Austria.
On 5/8 the bar camp bank San Francisco takes place at ChargeSmart, 165 Jessie Street, San Francisco, California, USA.
Labels: connectivity, event, money, SF
From 5/6 to 5/8 the annual Linuxwochen take place at the Old City Hall, Wipplingerstraße 8, in Vienna, Austria.
Labels: connectivity, event, software, Vienna
On 5/6 at 6pm the vernisage of curated by stephan reusse contre-jour takes place at Lukas Feichtner Gallery, Seilerstätte 19, Vienna, Austria.
From 5/6 to 5/8 the annual Designpfad takes place in the seventh district in in Vienna. Opening ceremony on 5/5 7.30pm at Hofmobiliendepot, Andreasgasse 7, in Vienna, Austria.
Just found this through Cult of Mc: the tiny MacBook pocket mirror and business card holder is available for less than 30$.
Update: might be usable for storing cigarettes, too!
The book Take Control of Permissions in Snow Leopard by Brian Tanaka is available as a PDF ebook for 10$. As all of the Take Control titles: highly recommended! BTW: as the PDF is not crippled by any DRM, you can easily read it on an iPad, too.