iPhone Help Center
The new iPhone Help Center, which can be found at help.benm.at, provides the easiest way to enable iPhone tethering through installing Mobileconfigs directly on your iPhone. You can also find MMS-Settings for your provider.
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Quote from Lore Sjöberg: Creating your own blog is about as easy as creating your own urine, and you're about as likely to find someone else interested in it ;-)
The new iPhone Help Center, which can be found at help.benm.at, provides the easiest way to enable iPhone tethering through installing Mobileconfigs directly on your iPhone. You can also find MMS-Settings for your provider.
If you understand German and like a really good laugh, the farce Ausser Kontrolle by Ray Cooney might be for you. On stage till 1/23 at the Volkstheater in Vienna, Austria.
If you are interested in using MacOSX on non Apple designed portable devices then take a look at the constantly updated BoingBoing netbook compatibility chart.
The Zemno DeskBookPro is a USB2 and FireWire800 based docking station for MacBook Pros for nearly 500$.
Labels: connectivity, hardware, Mac
The portable toolkit from Newer Technology contains various tools to open portable Macs for 18$.
The Campack Towel is a small (15x15 inch) very thin microfiber napkin with a clip on one corner for less than 7$.
The 3 feet long Griffin eXport in-flight video cable for iPhone carries the video signal from your iPhone to the in-flight system's proprietary connector so you can watch video and listen to music. It also safely charges and powers your iPhone for less than 40$.
Great resource from Dummies.com: Common port numbers for Snow Leopard Server services.
Labels: connectivity, Mac
Helpful hint from Macworld: See which processes are using the Internet.
Great idea from TestPlant.com: Multiple desktop sessions on MacOSX via VNC.
Labels: connectivity, Mac, software
With EyeTV 3.3 running on a Mac server connected to the internet you can use the Live3G web app from a Safari client running on MacOSX or an iPhone to watch live and recorded TV, wherever you have a internet connection.
The German language book Das Muenchen-Komplott by Wolfgang Schorlau is a fiction book about the attack on the Munich Octoberfest in 1980 that seems to be frighteningly near to reality. Cost less than 10 Euros for the paperback version.
Important resource for iPhone users from iClarified.com: Where to download iPhone firmware files from.
TranslateIt! for Mac is a multilingual dictionary that allows you to look up words on the fly for 100$ for a lifetime license.
The book Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server For Dummies covers the basics of setting up MacOSX 10.6 server on 432 pages for less than 30$.
You can easily scroll to the top of a document on your iPhone, but scrolling down , especially on very long documents can be very time consuming. With QuickScroll for jailbroken iPhones you can easily scroll around, even in very long documents. Available for free on Cydia.
Great idea from MacOSXhints.com: Mute system volume based on scheduled events, so you can tell to keep quiet at certain times.
The Nokia Braille Reader gives SMS for the blind and visually impaired. It captures received SMS messages and brings them to the foreground for reading using Braille and tactile feedback. Only for Symbia60 5th edition.
Labels: Symbian60
From 12/3 to 12/6 the annual Roboexotica, the festival for cocktail robotic takes place in Vienna, Austria.
Trouble shooting hint from MacFixIt.com: Find MobileMe sync logs to help troubleshoot sync issues.
Labels: connectivity, DIY, iPhone, Mac