Option GlobeSurfer ICON external USB powered HSDPA modem

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I am trying to track down if this is compatable with OSx?? Is it plug and play or are the drivers available somewhere?? Thanks
Directly on the Option homepage it says: compatible with MacOSX
Please ignore my ignorance, but it also says in many places on the option homepage that windows is the only supported OS... :( see here This is the link to the latest poduct page here
You may be right. I definitively know, that it said MacOSX compatible at the time I posted the link. Now only Windows. I will contact Option today and ask them, why they changed it.
BTW: Lauch2Net from http://www.novamedia.de definitively support the Option GlobeSurfer Icon external USB powered HSDPA modem. I just talked to them yesterday.
Now, A1 in Austria also offers the new USB Modem E220 by Huawei. The device is pretty small and also supports HSDPA 3,6. A1 told me, that Mac's will be supported presumably by mid July, but that support is also for older Mac hardware (no Intel Macs)... Anyone who knows more about this?
How can I safly remove this device? There is no unplug button..
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