Mac Emulator on PocketPC VGA?

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I have this set-up on my Dell Axim x51v, works great!
anonymous said...
>I have this set-up on my Dell Axim x51v, works great!
So you really have MacOS running at 640*480 VGA resolution on your Dell Axim x51v? Please elaborate!
On my MDApro/HTCuniversal I currently only get 320*240 QVGA resolution for the vMac Mini emulator. Which version are you using?
Mini vMac 2.8.2 thinks my Axim x51v is a 320x240; that is, I can't see the full 512x384, because the pixels are all doubled.
However, I figured out a solution. You need to download the Developer Resources for Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, available here:
After you install the above, there's a "tools" folder. Copy the vMac executable in there, and rename it to something without a space, like minivmacse.exe. Open a command (DOS) shell and navigate into that folder. Then type "res2exe -c -r hidpi.res minivmacse.exe" (or whatever you called the file).
That's it -- now you can run the minivmacse.exe file (or rename it back to whatever you want, of course) on your Axim, or other VGA device, and will display the entire Mac Plus/SE 512x384 screen.
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