Gtech G-RAID mini
Gtech announced the G-RAID mini, a bus powered case with two 2.5" S-ATA drives with USB2, FireWire400 and two FireWire800 ports. Unfortunately they don´t offer an empty case without hard drives right now.
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Quote from Lore Sjöberg: Creating your own blog is about as easy as creating your own urine, and you're about as likely to find someone else interested in it ;-)
Are you from the future? Your posts have the date Dec 07 2006. You might want to look into that. Great blog though.
That´s the nice thing in having a personal time machine. As I won´t have much time to post the rest of November, I time traveled to December 2006, did my postings and came back in time, to do some things in November now.
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