ElGato EyeHome runs on MacOSX 10.6

As the ElGato home page says nothing about EyeHome compatibility with MacOSX 10.6 I tried it on my own. It works, but for the installation it helps to read this support document first: Does EyeHome support Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)?. BTW: no 64 bit support, but in 32 bit mode it runs fine.
An interesting post which sadly runs contrary to my own experience.
After upgrading to Snow Leopard, Eyehome 1.8 stopped working. The Prefpane was in place but not serving. When clicked, it would begin to do so, only to stop in less than a minute. As I have no intention of replacing a fairly serviceable piece of hardware, I reverted to 10.5.8. My firewall BTW was disabled and forwarding to port 8000 was open.
I would be most interested in a more detailed post regarding how you got it up and running.
same symptomes as Macmarkup
in snow leopard etehome 1.8 started and stopped after 30 secondes
please give your methode for make a working...
i use the methode --- elgato
is instal fine ..... but not work... !!!!!
please give your methode step by step....
thanks in advance
mike from paris
I have the solution to get Eyehome running under 10.6 but you need access to a 10.5 disk! Eyehome seems to be dependent on an older java and so here is what i did (i used the terminal for this):
copy from the original 10.5 directory /usr/lib/java the following files:
- libAppKitJava.B.dylib
- libFoundationJava.B.dylib
- libObjCJava.A.dylib
- libPureAppKitJava.B.dylib
Note: do NOT copy libjdns_sd.jnilib!
to the new 10.6 directory /usr/lib/java
and create the 4 symbolic links (using ln -s... in the terminal).
The only issue that is left is the firewall... i do not get a window with the question when Eyehome starts to allow incoming connections. Stop the firewall temporarily , then start Eyehome and then restart the firewall again. The question then pops-up! This happens only ones until you reboot.
i make the modification on snow leopard
on java library
the symptomes us same
etyehome afterlaunch
stoppend in 10 second....
What i did to find out what was wrong with eyehome i used the terminal and in the terminal i manually started eyehome to see what happened. So first go to the directory where eyehome is using the following command:
cd /Library/PreferencePanes/EyeHome.prefPane/Contents/MacOS
then to start eyehome type:
in the terminal you see messages appear including error messages. The errors showed that one of the java files (from my earlier post) could not be found. So i copied it and repeated the same till it was ok. Somewhere during the whole process I also tried Eyehome 1.7 but eventually came back to downloading 1.8L from Elgato (the L in the name was new for me) and installing it again. This is something you could also try!
Ronald, this is great, thanks for sharing. But for those of us who are newbies to using Terminal, could you possibly walk though this with the specific commands we need to use?. Also, not sure why symbolic links you mean. When you have the time, of course.
Some notes:
1. My 10.5 (leopard) disk is called "Mac OSX-2" and is available for copying the java files. This name is used in the description below. This can off course be different for each computer. So replace the name with the name that is appropriate for you.
2. you need your administrator password. After the command sudo (see below) you have to type your administrator password.
After starting the Terminal program you need to type the following two commands (the quotes in the command below are on purpose and need to be used:
cd "/Volumes/Mac OSX-2/usr/lib/java"
sudo cp -p lib*dylib /usr/lib/java
Let's say your disk is called "Macintosh HD-2" the first command is as follows:
cd "/Volumes/Macintosh HD-2/usr/lib/java"
If the files are not on a separate disk but somewhere in your working directory (your user name on you computer) you do not need the first command. Be sure that the files are moved (using the Finder) to the Folder with the Home icon. In my case my login name is ronald and thus i have a Home folder with the name ronald.
Lastly you can reinstall the Eyehome 1.8L from Elgato by using the following description under item 1:
Hope this works for you!
Thanks ever so much for the info and your time. I shall go through the moves next week.
This does work but what wasn't clear was the 4 'ln -s ...' commands that are required. These are
sudo ln -s libAppKitJava.B.dylib libAppKitJava.dylib
sudo ln -s libFoundationJava.B.dylib libFoundationJava.dylib
sudo ln -s libObjCJava.A.dylib libObjCJava.dylib
sudo ln -s libPureAppKitJava.B.dylib libPureAppKitJava.dylib
After doing these, EyeHome stays running and I can watch my TV archive again.
Thanks for the pointers.
I did exactly as explained but no way to make it work. The 4 files copied are right, and the links too. But if I try to launch EyeHome from terminal the reply is "cannot execute binary file".
Can someone help me?
A little step forward:
if I run ./EyeHomeLauncher under /Library/PreferencePanes/EyeHome.prefPane/Contents/Resources/EyeHome.app/Contents/MacOS
the answer is:
Deprecated] CocoaJava: com.apple.cocoa.foundation.NSAutoreleasePool
NSRuntime.loadLibrary(/usr/lib/java/libObjCJava.dylib) error.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/java/libObjCJava.A.dylib: no suitable image found. Did find: /usr/lib/java/libObjCJava.A.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1878)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1758)
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:770)
at java.lang.System.load(System.java:1020)
at com.apple.cocoa.foundation.NSRuntime.loadLibrary(NSRuntime.java:127)
at com.apple.cocoa.foundation.NSRuntime.clinit(NSRuntime.java:35)
at com.apple.cocoa.foundation.NSAutoreleasePool.clinit(NSAutoreleasePool.java:11)
at syabas.photo.mac.PhotoServerMac.getBPlistArchivePath(Unknown Source)
at syabas.photo.mac.PhotoServerMac.setup(Unknown Source)
at syabas.myihome.server.mac.TomcatServerMac.resetServletContextAttribute(Unknown Source)
at syabas.myihome.server.mac.TomcatServerMac.init(Unknown Source)
at syabas.myihome.server.TomcatServer.main(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.run(LaunchRunner.java:115)
at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.callMain(LaunchRunner.java:50)
at apple.launcher.JavaApplicationLauncher.launch(JavaApplicationLauncher.java:52)
This comment has been removed by the author.
the "but wrong architecture" maybe is a clue: I've taken a lib from a PPC machine and copied on an Intel one....
The mistake was that one: PPC files on Intel machine...
A huge thanks to Roland and everyone for those really helpful instruction, and to Time Machine too to let me recover old libs!
Thanks to Ronald and David Frith for posting the details on how to work around this Java lib issue. This has extended the life of my EyeHome once again- works great!
FIx Elgato Eyehome in Snow Leopard without Terminal - Step by step instructions:
1. While booted into your Leopard installation, where Eyehome is working, open the finder and highlight your Leopard boot drive.
2. Go to the menu bar, click on Go, then select "Go to folder…"
3. In the dialogue that opens, type "usr/lib/java" (minus the quote marks). This will reveal your hidden usr files.
4. Copy the entire Java folder with the command+c command.
5. Paste the entire Java folder with the command+v command in a SAFE location that will not be overwritten when you install Snow Leopard or do your migration. A thumb drive is ideal, but any location that isn't affected will do. There will be 9 files in your copied folder: 4 .dylib files, 4 matching symbolic links to those .dylib files and one file called libjdns_sd.jnilib. DELETE that last file from your copy. You will use only the 4 .dylib files and their matching symbolic links:
- libAppKitJava.B.dylib
- libAppKitJava.dylib
- libFoundationJava.B.dylib
- libFoundationJava.dylib
- libObjCJava.A.dylib
- libObjCJava.dylib
- libPureAppKitJava.B.dylib
- libPureAppKitJava.dylib
6. Proceed with your installation of Snow Leopard, iLife, migration, etc.
7. Install Eyehome on your new Snow Leopard installation. It will open, tell you it must relaunch System Prefs in 32 bit mode, open again, then close. It is broken.
8. Go to Finder, highlight your Snow Leopard boot drive, then once again use the Go menu bar item to go to "usr/lib/java"
9. This newly revealed Java folder will have only one file in it, libjdns_sd.jnilib. Leave it there.
10. Now its time to move the eight files from your old Java folder to the new Java folder you just revealed. Select all eight in your old copied Java folder, copy them, then past them into the usr/lib/java folder you revealed in the Snow Leopard finder.
11. You're done. No restart is necessary. Start up Eyehome. It should work perfectly after self-relaunching System Prefs in 32 bit mode. It will start up on boot or log-in as normal.
12. I've kept the copied Java folder handy in my home folder in case some future app installation or the 10.6.1 update broke Eyehome again, but so far there have been no issues.
I have a problem with the .dylib files and their symbolic links because I don't have time machined my 1.5.8 version of Leopard.
Where I can find this .dylib file?
@Authored Thanks for your explanation, this would work for me.
Using MacBook Pro and Mac OS 10.6.6 haven't been able to got the Preference Pane 1.8L to launch. Do not have access to 10.5.8 - if I install QuickTime and QuickTime for Java will that supply the missing Java files (usr/lib/Java empty in 10.6). Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks.
JohnT wrote:
>Using MacBook Pro and Mac OS 10.6.6 haven't been able to got the Preference Pane 1.8L to launch. Do not have access to 10.5.8 - if I install QuickTime and QuickTime for Java will that supply the missing Java files (usr/lib/Java empty in 10.6). Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Try extracting the app and just open the app when you want to start EyeHome. I never used the PrefPane and only use the app.
Thanks, Anonymous, for your reply. Could I get more information. I have tried extracting from the Finder and also from Show Contents but each time get the Preference Pane install.
download EyeHome18update.dmg from ElGato
select EyeHome Installer 1.8L.app and copy to your hard drive
select EyeHome Installer 1.8L.app
Right click for "Show Package Contents"
go Contents/Resources/Installer Items
select EyeHome.prefPane
select EyeHome.prefPane and copy to your hard drive
Right click for "Show Package Contents"
go Contents/Resources/
copy EyeHome to your hard drive and use it
P.S.: don´t forget to put a Symlink to your EyeTV Archive (in your Documents Folder) into your User/Library Folder, so EyeHome can find your files.
Thanks very much for your help but launch issue persists. Don't wish to scrap Eyehome hardware and love to get it working again - appreciate any other suggestions (can't use Apple TV as no HDMI, tried WD TV LIve but problems and very flaky).
You are right. As my old Intel Mac just died I had to install everything to a new machine and as with you, EyeHome is not working. I will try the hint from the comment above with moving files from a 10.5 install.
Interested t know if moving the Java files works. My backups do not go back as far as 10.5.8, but, if it works, will try to get hold of the required files.
EyeHome now works on MacOSX 10.6.5!
Finally had the time to move the Java files from an old 10.5.8 install to my new 10.6.5 server, put the symbolic link to "EyeTV Archive" into the user/Library folder and suddenly I am able to use my old EyeHome again. Thanks for all the helpful comments.
Amazing. Just did a clean install of 10.6 plus 10.6.8 combo update, installed newest version of EyeTV, copied the EyeHome1.8.app to the new Mac, copied a Symlink of the "EyeTV Archive" folder into my ~/Library folder and believe it or not: EyeHome sees my EyeTV recordings, without me needing to copy those infamous eight Java files into usr/lib/java
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