RFID blocking leather passport covers from Austrian designer Robert Horn

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With un-encrypted RFID the US government is now issuing in Passports we all need to protect ourselves from privacy invasion. Most places on the web say to wrap your wallet in “tin foil”. I am sick of hearing that RFID signals are blocked by Aluminum foil. They are not stop believing it. My father in law is a radio engineer and he has to block radio signals all of the time. The best material is Pure Copper which complies with the US government Tempest regulations.
For more information on RFID (spy chips) go to
for a RFID Blocking wallet
RFID blocking passports are avaliable in the US also from difrwear http://www.difrwear.com
The most inexpensive and most durable passport sleeves are found at www.idstronghold.com
The most inexpensive and most durable RFID blocking passport sleeves are found at www.idstronghold.com
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